/beekw’l/ adj. Any sequel that is produced on a B-rate budget and goes direct to DVD.
Friday, November 2, 2007
Thursday, August 30, 2007
/twisteez/ n. 1. A turning point in a story where the storyline itself takes an unexpected twist. 2. These twists usually occur due to new information being learned about the hero(es), any form of sidekick, the adversary, or the way in which to overcome the adversary. 3. Twisties can occur at any point during the story, but usually take place near the end.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Friday, August 17, 2007
Pull A Tyson
/pul ay tīson/ adj. 1. Referencing that infamous night where Mike Tyson bit off part of Evander Holyfield’s ear. 2. To chew someone’s ear off. 3. To talk to someone to the point of them wanting to stab you in the jaw with an unsharpened No. 2 pencil.
/sakting/ v. 1. Sex Acting. 2. An acting technique used to convince the viewer that actual intercourse is taking place.
/aartárd/ adj. Any person who occasionally acts in a handicapped manor without actually being retarded.
/skech-a-graf/ n. Whatever the hell that machine is that monitors contractions during labor.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
n. 1. Hot Lesbian Action. 2. When two chicks start taking their clothes off and making out. 3. All bases, first thru home run, included.
Crotch Post
/kroch pōst/ n. 1. A device that a woman needing sex all the time should have so they can take care of business themselves (not a vibrator). 2. This is a fictional, metaphorical post. Some of you are really stupid.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
White Chicking
/hwīt chikign/ n. When the female character is either running from the killer or has the upper heand and does something stupid to get herself caught or killed (i.e. trips while runninf, drops weapon to check the downed killer).
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
The Sticky Factor
/stíkee fáktər/ n. Term used to describe the act of being physically stuck to the TV screen due to a compelling story.
The “Back to the Future” Rule
/bak tōō thə fyōōchər rōōl/ n. 1. Rule about time travel set down by the hit 1985 fantasy/adventure film directed by Robert Zemeckis. 2. This rule states that time is more of a fluctuation than a constant. 3. The future can be altered by changes in the past.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Stunt Boobs
/stunt bōōbs/ n. 1. When an actress appears to have gone topless in a movie when actually they are someone else’s boobs being shown instead. 2. An actress is only shown from the neck down during a topless scene so that it is not possible to notice that it is not her set of boobs being shown.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Loose-End Sidekick
Psych Hero
/sīk heérō/ adj. 1. Any hero, male or female, who meets their death prematurely. 2. Contradicts The Hero Survival Mandate.
The Hero Survival Mandate
/heérō sərvívəl mándayt/ n. Term used to describe the fact that any and all heroes are to make it to the end of the story and overcome the adversary.
Filler Characters
/filər káriktər/ n. Any character that does not have an important role in the story.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
The Unholy Trinity
/únhōlee trínitee/ n. 1. The three directives needed for the viewer of a horror movie to enjoy themselves; Lots of screaming, lots of crying for mercy, and lots of killing. 2. This concept parallels The Finale Contingency, except for the fact that this term offers an enjoyment contingent.
Dead Ender
/ded-endər/ n. 1. A movie that, by all intent, should have a sequel, but ends in such a way that a sequel would be useless. 2. The opposite of The Sequel Conundrum.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Sunday, July 15, 2007
/ségway/ n. A part of sentence structure that links two separate ideas or topics with a mutually relevant sub-topic.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
“Happily Ever After” Syndrome
/háp’ilee évər áftər síndrōm/ n. The inference that the male and female hero survivors live happily ever after; due to the Hook-Up Inevitability.
Hook-Up Inevitability
/hook-up inévitəbill-ity/ n. 1. An undeniable truth that if both the male and female heroes survive, they inevitably end up together. 2. This hook-up results in the “Happily Ever After” Syndrome.
Virgin Factor
/vərjin fáktər/ n. An equation in horror movies which equates to the hero (male or female) surviving because of their virginity or lack of promiscuity.
Spastic Monkey
/spástik múngkee/ adj. 1. An extremely annoying person. 2. The one person in a horror movie you wish would die but always seems to make it to the end.
Friday, July 13, 2007
The Finale Contingency
/finaálee kəntínjənsee/ n. 1. A term used to describe the stipulations for the finale and ending of a horror movie. 2. All or most of these requirements must be met:
- At least one hero, male and/or female, must survive the finale of the story
- Whichever hero survives must know, not think, that they have beaten the adversary
- Any killer must die, be captured, be turned, or be beaten in some way (not physically)
- Any supernatural evil must be banished or eluded
- Any creature must be disposed of, eluded, and/or transfigured back to natural form by way of spell, incantation, potion, or banishment of curse
- Any infection/outbreak must be contained or escaped.
- Any curse must be broken or eluded. Some curses cannot be broken and/or eluded. In these cases, the curse must appear to have dispelled just before final culmination…usually resulting in a sequel
- Any nightmare sequences must be resolved and/or woken up from
- An explanation or inference of motive must be stated, either directly or indirectly
- Any residual conflicts must be resolved or indefinitely prolonged…unless a lead-in is obvious
The Sequel Conundrum
/seékwəl kənúndrəm/ n. 1. Term referring to the act of breaking most or all of the laws of The Finale Contingency, forcing a sequel. 2. To help promote a sequel, some laws must be broken, resulting in a lead-in or the actual beginning of the sequel.
/leed-in/ n. The result of The Sequel Conundrum where the end of a movie leads the viewer to believe that a sequel is eminent.
/kánibəl/ adj. 1. Any person who eats the flesh of another person for sustenance. 2. Most forms of mountain-men. 3. See Cannies.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
/mównt’n man/ n. 1. A person with esthetic and bodily abnormalities, exhibiting superhuman-like strength and stamina. 2. These creatures are a mix of scientific fact and pure folklore, usually cannibalistic in nature, with their own language and communication systems. 3. Whole clans have been known to survive for generations in the foothills of Scotland. 4. Sawney Bean is the proprietor of this legend.
/skánk’ə-bilee/ adj. 1. Any form of promiscuous hillbilly. 2. Usually the first to get laid. 3. Usually the first to die.
Bit Part
/bit paart/ adj. 1. An actor’s role in a movie that is neither obviously significant nor carries much script weight. 2. Sometimes is considered a cameo.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
“C” Movie
/see mūvee/ n. 1. Any movie that is created solely with the budget of the director and their friends. 2. Any movie that is difficult to find; even in a video store. 3. Actors are usually friends or family of the director; no well-known actors present. a.k.a. C-rate movie.
“A” Movie
/ay mūvee/ n. 1. Any movie with a multi-million dollar budget. 2. Most any movie shown in theaters. 3. Usually containing well-known actors and directors. a.k.a. A-rate movie.
/sélibritaárd/ adj. 1. Any celebrity that takes them selves too seriously without noticing that they are undeserving of the attention paparazzi and press give them. 2. Someone who is remotely famous but always does something to show they have no sense of humor. 3. A celebrity who feels they are far more famous than they really are.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
/gawr/ n. 1. A special effect used in horror movies to depict scenes of extreme violence and/or death. 2. The “blood and guts” of a horror movie…literally.
/lō-bee/ adj. On the Jonny Cage’s Horror Movie Reviews rating scale of 1 to 25, any rating below a 10.
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